Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One last pre-European adventure

The week before we left the country, we discovered Tina was pregnant.  The new baby is due in mid-February 2010.  We went for a regularly-scheduled prenatal check-up this morning and everything is fine.  The doctor still thinks the baby is a girl but once again she was unable to get a really good look.  She'll look again in four weeks.

We haven't really decided on a name.  The only thing we know for sure is that the middle name is going to start with a J.  Somehow both of our boys ended up with middle names that start with a J -- Oscar James and Calvin Joshua.  It's too late to stop now.  I like Sara Jane but Tina thinks Sara is too common.  Tina wants the name to be unique enough that the child is likely to be the only one in her school classes with that name; in particular, she does not want the child to be known as "Sara N."  Other name suggestions are welcome.

Here are some ultrasound images of the baby.  The 3D image is pretty cool -- we never had any of those when we were living in the States.  The doctor called it 4D but I think that would only be correct if the image was animated.

1 comment:

  1. I hear the name Shawna is really cool and not too common. Just Kidding, but if you really wanted to use it, I won't object. I agree, she shouldn't be Sara (or Sarah). The boyz have unique names, so should the girl. If I think of any cool ones, Ill let you know. I love baby names!
