Saturday, March 31, 2012

Pinewood Derby 2012

Oscar started attending Cub Scouts on the local Army base two weeks ago.  He is excited about earning patches and belt loops and learning new things.  Right now he is a Wolf.  In May he will become a Bear.

The Pinewood Derby is only held one a year but was scheduled for last Saturday (Oscar's second week).  Because he was just getting started with scouts, Oscar did not have a lot of time to work on his car.  The wood shop on the local Army base helped us cut the wood and then Oscar painted it and I helped him hammer the wheels on.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Basketball 2012

The boys both played team basketball this past winter.  Oscar was one of the youngest boys on his team.  Although his 8th birthday was two weeks before the end of the season, the rules required him to play on a team with 8 and 9 year-old boys.

Calvin played with the 3-to-5 year-old children.  His group did not play weekly games; instead, the focus was on skills development.  Calvin was supposed to have one game at the end of the season so I was waiting for that occasion to take pictures.  Then the other parents voted to cancel the game.  So I do not have any photos of Calvin playing basketball this year.  Calvin will be six in October so he will play with boys who are 6 and 7 this coming winter.

These photos are from January and February 2012.