Sunday, January 22, 2012

Narula Family 2011 Year In Review

Tina made a 2011 memory book at  I made some small changes as I was reviewing the book for clarity and errors but the majority of the book is Tina's work.  We have not yet received the book in the mail.  Here is what it will look like:

New banner image

I updated the banner image with newer photos.

Calvin picks his name

A recent conversation with Calvin:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Holiday Party with Santa

My work had a holiday party for the children on December 10th.  Santa and friends were the special guests.  Oscar told me he knew it was the real Santa because he had a list, there were elves, and Santa knew his name.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Day

New Year's Day was a Sunday this year.  We have church in the morning this year (we share the building with a German congregation and each year we take turns meeting in the morning or afternoon) so after we got home from church, we had the rest of the day to spend as a family.  The boys wanted to play Blokus -- a new game we received during the holidays.  Predictably, Sara wanted to play too.  So rather than fighting with her about the pieces, I let the boys take turns playing online.  Like Othello, Blokus is easy to learn but difficult to master.  Oscar went first and then Calvin had a turn.  Both boys finished in third place.