Saturday, August 13, 2011


The boys bought me some dwarf sunflower seeds for Valentine's Day.  We planted them in a pot with some potting soil in May and have been watching them grow ever since.  The first one started to bloom a few days ago.  The others are not far behind.

A new old iPod

In February 2009, when I found out I had been selected for my current job in Germany, I got some German instructional CDs from the public library in Maryland and started listening to them in the car as I was driving to and from work.  Over the next few months, I listened to 100+ hours of German CDs and I felt like I learned a lot.  Since coming to Germany, I have taken several German classes offered at the local Army base but I want to start again with listening to German instruction in the car.  Of course, I can always just turn on the radio.  That has been the biggest reason I haven't really pursued other options.  The problem with the radio is that it hasn't really helped me develop vocabulary.  I can definitely understand some of what is being discussed in these radio conversations but when I miss something, there is no way to go back and read what was said or look things up in a dictionary.  So I have been wanting to try something else.

Calvin starts German Kindergarten

Calvin started German Kindergarten on Monday.  He doesn't speak much German but we hope he will learn quickly.  After one week, he says he really likes going to Kindergarten.

Back to school for Oscar

Oscar's German elementary school started again this past Monday after taking six weeks off for a summer break.  Oscar is in the 2nd grade this year.

Another Birthday

I turned 34 at the end of July.  Tina made a tasty carrot cake and the boys gave me a book I had been wanting.