Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oscar turns seven

Oscar's 7th birthday party was a lot of fun.  He invited three friends from church to come over for a pirate party.
 First they played Mario Kart on the Wii.  Everybody had a great time.
Except Calvin (who was sad because he wanted to play).
 Next they played Pirate Bingo.
 Then it was time for lunch.  Tina made homemade pizza.  The boys got to choose their own toppings.
 Sara found some pizza crust on the floor...
 After lunch it was time for the treasure hunt.
 This clue was hidden in the fridge.
The next clue was in the basement.
 To the sewing room.
 The boys thought the clue said to look under the sewing machine.
 They had to go back to the basement to reread the clue.
 Reading the next clue...
 The "treasure" (Kit Kat bars) was hidden under Oscar's bed.
 Opening presents...
 The Perplexus was a big hit.
 After presents, it was time to eat the cupcakes.
We took some group photos before the boys got picked up.
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  1. This looks like so much fun! So sorry Zachary missed it. I love the sign!

  2. great looking shindig! Love the little pizas idea and the whole pirate theme for the party!
