Sunday, January 23, 2011

Frankfurt Zoo

Oscar's German school was closed on Thursday for a teacher workday so I took the day off at work and we went to the Frankfurt Zoo.  It was cold and overcast but it was not raining. A lot of the exhibits were closed because it was too cold to keep the animals outside.  In hindsight, it probably would have been better to wait until spring to visit the zoo.
If I had something growing out of my butt, I would probably hide my face too...
Shoebill -- a very large bird!
Many of the animals had been moved inside for the winter.
This guy was lifting his tail to pee on the wall.  Notice the discoloration...
Calvin the flamingo
Oscar the flamingo
Headless bird
Not really...
I really liked this photo until I realized I blew out the white balance.  Maybe next time...
Yellow Tang
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1 comment:

  1. We went to this zoo last summer and had a great time. We could only do a half of it before kids got tired and started loosing it. So, I am excited for it to fully open again in sring so we can tackle the other half.
    Great blog, by the way. We loved looking at the pictures from your last year's vacation in Garmisch and Munchen. The BMW museum looks pretty cool!
