Thursday, November 18, 2010

Visitors from North Carolina

My dad and my step-mother came for a quick visit over the weekend. They were flying through Frankfurt on their way to India. Their plane landed on Friday at lunchtime and then they left on Monday afternoon. On Saturday we went to see Megamind at the movie theater on the military base and then we went out to dinner. On Sunday my dad cooked us all Indian food while Tina and I took the children to church. It was nice to see them again, even if only for a short visit.
My dad had all sorts of problems with configuring Mac Mail to send via Road Runner's SMTP server.  Eventually I was able to get it working for him (no thanks to Mac Mail -- I had to use Outlook on my laptop to get it working and then I mirrored those settings on the Mac).
I got this book (among others) from the German library -- it is a dual English/German book.  Each page has text in both languages.  The book is about animals that each think a different attribute is the most important (the giraffe thinks having a long neck is the most important thing; the beaver thinks having strong teeth is the most important thing, etc.).  Finally the wise owl helps the other animals realize that all of the animals have important attributes and that they are all different.
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