Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some school photos

A photographer came to Oscar's school last Friday to take pictures of the children with their Schultüten.  Yesterday we got the prints.  In the States, school photos are usually sent home as a proof and then parents have the option to order more.  In Germany, they sent home a variety pack (several different sizes) and a bill for the photos (€10).

The photographer also took a class photo.  The class photo is an interesting story.  Students in German schools have the same teacher for all four years they are in elementary school.  As they move to each successive grade, the teacher moves with them.  The idea is that at the end of the four years, the teacher should know the students well enough to make an educated recommendation for each child's placement in secondary education.

Anyway, the class photo that is taken at the beginning of first grade follows the class around for the four years that they spend together.  Yesterday at school I noticed that the fourth grade class down the hall from Oscar's classroom had posted their class picture from first grade on the door.  For the next four years, I expect this class photo will give the students a daily reminder that they are in this adventure together.

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1 comment:

  1. I did not know that about the German schools. I think that's neat that the teacher moves up/especially if you end up liking the teacher!
